COVID-19 Season 2020

Last Spring, the unexpected happened in California, as it had already happened in other places around the world. A little virus critter (i.e., Corona virus/ COVID-19) arrived and the pandemic became real in my own neck of the woods. As a result, folks around the world...

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Living the Dream

A Jazz Vision In high school, I remember a quiet, unassuming guy named Randy Mosley(?) who didn't draw much attention to himself during class. However, when I saw him playing stand up bass with the jazz band in the school gymnasium and looking cool in his houndstooth...

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Song for Kabir

Journey of Life Forty-one years ago, in August of 1979, I was a new father at the tender age of twenty six with an infant son named Kabir. At that time, my life journey led me to move with my two week old son, his mother and his three year old sister from Colville, WA...

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In This Circle Follow Up

        JOY OF SHARING   I've been enjoying sharing In This Circle with friends, family, and fans since its release in late August 2018. It's been exciting for me to have a merch table featuring both my first and second albums (Older and Wiser...

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In This Circle Album Release Party Fun

In late August 2018, I completed the final stage of a four plus year musical project. Yes, it was the auspicious occasion of the album release party for my latest album, In This Circle. Wow, what an event it was! There was even a full moon that evening which lent a...

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New Musical Adventures

What's Been Going On? New Musical Adventures I've had some new musical adventures since my last Notes from the Meadow edition was published in late August. 1) Successful and fun volunteering with summer camp for kids. (see my post elsewhere in this Notes edition). 2)...

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Meadowlark Goes to Soil Born Farms

Out on the Farm This summer, I was a volunteer out at Soil Born Farms. Since the early 2000's, it's been an urban working farm providing quality organic produce and agricultural education for the community. Also, the farm has a weekly summer camp program for grade...

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In Appreciation of Rumi

Always Room for Rumi I have appreciated and enjoyed the poetry of Rumi since the mid 1990s. At that point in time, Coleman Barks, an American poet, published his second collection of Rumi's poetry. In that same year, Bill Moyers interviewed Barks on his PBS series,...

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Mixing it Up

Mixing it Up - Closer to the Finish Line After taking a break, I was back in the studio this month for more mixing of my album, In a Circle. Wow, it's been a long journey since I started recording the first vocal and guitar tracks in the studio! At this point, I'm now...

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Birthday Blessings

Another Year Older - Birthday Blessings Recently, I was inspired to write a new song I call Birthday Blessings. In June, a good friend of mine had a birthday. On the morning of his birthday, I woke up and was gifted with a song in his honor before I even got out of...

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High Concept - Sunflower Sunflower is an instrumental piece of music written by Mason Williams. For those of you who don't know, Mason was the head writer on The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour. Also, he is a classical guitarist/composer (ex., Classical Gas) and has...

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