by Marshal McKitrick | Oct 3, 2016 | CD project, Videos and Vlogposts
Irish Tears was another tune written during my coffee house heyday period. As with most Americans born in the states, I have a mixed bag of ancestors. On my father’s side of the family, I have Scots ancestors in my family tree of genetic code. When I was young I...
by Marshal McKitrick | Sep 25, 2016 | studio
A Change of Shirt I’ve known about Burning Man, an annual event that takes place in the Nevada desert north of Reno, for a number of years. I even know a few ‘burners.’ It looks like quite a party and a celebration, even if it’s smaller than...
by Marshal McKitrick | Sep 4, 2016 | events
All Work and Not Enough Play… I have learned that all work and not enough play, is not conducive to my positive mental health. Further, all play, and some enjoyable work makes for positive pastime. Earlier this month, Dena and I attended the annual Feathers of...
by Marshal McKitrick | Aug 5, 2016 | house concert, Videos and Vlogposts
I have learned that every day is a brand new day, full of possibility and promise. I sing this song as a positive affirmation to remind myself and others of this. I can re-start my day when it’s going sideways or not the way I would prefer. It’s in the...
by Marshal McKitrick | Jul 29, 2016 | CD project
How do I live my vision? Just as summer gardens are providing lots of yummy and nourishing food to the folks who tend them at this time of year, working in the studio on my album, In This Circle, continues to feed my soul in so many ways. I’ve come to the...