Spring is Here!

Spring is Here! I’m grateful that Spring is here. Yay! I have come to enjoy Spring as my favorite season. For me, it’s the blossoming of new hope and possibilities. I am always amazed at the beauty and bold vitality of new flowers, as the squirrels...

You Can Shine a Flashlight

Dena and I co-wrote You Can Shine a Flashlight back in 2012. Somewhere earlier in her spiritual journey, she had coined a phrase, “You can shine a flashlight, but not a flashdark…” While talking with a friend who was sharing about their fear of...

Let Go

Song Spotlight: Let Go I referred to this new song, in passing, as part of a blog post this past October. The song is called Let Go. I was inspired to write it after hearing Iris DeMent perform at the Harris Center for the Arts in Folsom. For me, letting go is...

It’s OK to Play

All Work and Not Enough Play… I have learned that all work and not enough play, is not conducive to my positive mental health. Further, all play, and some enjoyable work makes for positive pastime. Earlier this month, Dena and I attended the annual Feathers of...