You Can Shine a Flashlight

Dena and I co-wrote You Can Shine a Flashlight back in 2012. Somewhere earlier in her spiritual journey, she had coined a phrase, “You can shine a flashlight, but not a flashdark…” While talking with a friend who was sharing about their fear of...


Happy Anniversary Dena and I celebrated our 12th year wedding anniversary this week on December 19th. I am truly blessed to be in partnership with a conscious, compassionate woman who is aware and spiritually evolving. One thing I have learned over the past 12 years...

Let Go

Song Spotlight: Let Go I referred to this new song, in passing, as part of a blog post this past October. The song is called Let Go. I was inspired to write it after hearing Iris DeMent perform at the Harris Center for the Arts in Folsom. For me, letting go is...

Shift Happens

New Song Spotlight: Shift Happens I began writing this song, Shift Happens, a few years ago. It was inspired by something Dena wrote on a Daily Napkin that used the phrase, “Shift Happens.” The title is a play on words and, yes, we all know how the...

The “Other” Hallelujah

Another Hallelujah Earlier this month, I found a powerful live version of the song, Hallelujah, written by Leonard Cohen. It was sung by a Toronto pop choral group that calls themselves Choir! Choir! Choir! I was deeply moved by the emotional and powerful expression...

Four Corners

As with some other songs of mine, I was inspired to write Four Corners by my observations of and inspiration by the natural world around me. I wrote it during the end of year holiday season in 1989. Flying Over Four Corners The song came to me while I was traveling...