by Marshal McKitrick | Apr 2, 2017 | CD project, studio
Studio Update Demos I worked with Ed in the studio last weekend to create some booking demo songs. All the demos were taken from songs that will appear on my forthcoming album, In This Circle. Also, the songs consist of two tracks with me singing and playing guitar....
by Marshal McKitrick | Mar 14, 2017 | studio
Studio Mixdown I’m continuing with the process of studio mixdown for my album, In a Circle. So far, I have three songs mixed with only nine left to go. For those of you unfamiliar with mixing, it’s the most unglamorous part of recording an album. You might...
by Marshal McKitrick | Feb 28, 2017 | CD project
Notes from the Studio Last week, I made my way back to the recording studio. I had to take a break from working on my album, In This Circle, due to financial reasons. Ed has been very supportive of my first time out as a full producer and I appreciate him for that. I...
by Marshal McKitrick | Jan 8, 2017 | events, studio
Thank You, 2016! I sure had a wild ride of musical adventures in 2016. I’m very grateful that I retired in 2015. It has given me a lot more time to do what I love. Here’s how the year unfolded, month by month. JANUARY Wrote Bless the Journey Now, a new...
by Marshal McKitrick | Nov 14, 2016 | CD project, songwriter
Studio Adventures I hit the studio last weekend with a new creative thought. One of my tunes, Breaking the Chains, felt incomplete somehow. This was even after recording multiple tracks for it: lead vocal, harmony vocal, acoustic rhythm guitar, electric rhythm guitar,...