Songworms on My Mind

Sometimes I am haunted by songworms. Have you ever had a song stuck in your head for hours or days on end? I have a close musical compadre’ who has coined the word “songworm” for this phenomenon. Some researchers use the term “earworm.”

Here’s what Wikipedia has to say on the subject:
An earworm, sometimes known as a brainworm: sticky music, or stuck song syndrome, which is a “catchy piece of music that continually repeats through a person’s mind after it is no longer playing.” For the full article, click here.

Can’t Get it Out of My Head

As I’ve described to my wife, I have an internal jukebox that plays back any song I remember. While this may save on my CD purchases or downloads, it backfires when I can’t seem to “get it out of my head.” I’ve read of at least one psychological study that states this is more common for musicians.

Most of the time, I find that a songworm that’s got a hold on me includes both music and lyrics and it usually has an upbeat rhythm. Sometimes, it’s a catchy lyrical phrase that gets my attention. For a classic example of this, listen to ELO’s hit tune, Can’t Get It Out of My Head. Or, you may be able to just hum it to yourself from memory.  

More Adventures in the Studio

I’m now on the last leg of completing my album, In This Circle. This past week, I began the mixing process. I’m learning that when a drum kit is involved, it takes longer to complete mixing the song. Due to the nature of drum kits and microphone placement, it’s necessary to edit out the bleed through that happens during recording (ex., between the cymbals and the toms). Since half of the songs on the album have drum tracks, the mixing process will go more quickly after those have been done.

It’s All in the Mix

I know it’s important to get the sound I want, so I’ll be satisfied down the road. I look forward to listening to a completed album much later and being happy with a job well done. While it’s a tedious task, the mixing process is what can make or break an enjoyable listening experience. Since my songs are strongly based on the lyrics, I need to pay attention to make sure the vocals aren’t too buried by the instrumental tracks.

An important part of the mixing process is playing the mixed song on different audio devices (car stereo, PC, tablet, and boom box). The folks listening to the final product will appreciate the ability to play the album in different environments. And, I definitely want listeners to enjoy and connect with the music. So, hang in there, everyone! I will keep you posted.